The Reasons I Write
The three main reasons that propelled me to write: 1) The Swiss film director Godard once said, "Art is not a reflection of reality. It is the reality of a reflection." After I started writing, I understood this point. It is the main reason why I am still writing today. We think we are alive, but we are often dead inside. A writer's task is to instill life in her writings. If she has no life in her, she will have no life to instill in her works, and her audience will be able to sense it, how ever subtle that life may be. My cousin's photography instructor said, to take a good portrait photo, the photographer must be genuinely interested in the subject. In the same way, to write a good book, the writer must be genuinely interested and passionate about the subject. After I started writing, I have taken up an interest in arachnids, the Qing dynasty, and other subjects which I would normally disregard, and have engaged in various conversations as ...