W.'s 2012

Looking back, 2012 was an eventful year for me.

First quarter, buried in work. Highest record was 16 hours straight, on a few occasions. Then there were 15, 14, 13 hours non-stop.  It was my last quarter in external financial reporting.

Second quarter, met another con artist. Well, I encountered two last year, but first one was forgettable. I was grateful for the encounters, as they allowed me to see a side of society which I would otherwise not have the opportunity to see.

Third quarter, moved to another province and then moved back. I attended acupuncture sessions for eight months, before I moved. The change of sceneries changed my perspectives on a few things.

Fourth quarter, realized one of my goals for the year plus more. A lot of what happened are quite extraordinary.

I worked ten months in 2012 (for two employers), and vacationed for two. Jia Jia and I completed our first circuit around the world on Christmas Day. The most invaluable harvests from my trip are the energy and inspirations that I have acquired, which give me strength in making each step forward in this unknown world.  What is most beautiful is not in what can be seen, but what cannot be seen.

I am thankful for many things. I am thankful that I have the eyes to see the beauty of the world and the legs to carry me to where my heart desires. Two things that helped me travel with ease: Canadian passport, and English. The Canadian citizenship is an immensely powerful asset, which my dad sacrificed a lot for.

What I enjoyed most was my freedom. I was like a bird, flying wherever and whenever by myself, with minimal baggage. No mobile phone. Limited internet access. No fear (other than the fear of missing my flight).

I did not plan for 2012. It just happened. I don't believe in excessive planning. If it is meant to be, it will be. That is the beauty of nature.  顺其自然。


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