My gratitude
I would like to express my thanks for what had transpired last month.
Some of you tried very hard to encourage and support me, and I thank you for your patience and advices:
French penpal
Yemeni friend
Egyptian friend
Swiss penpal
two friends who visited me
There were two individuals who over-reacted to my problems, but I know that they did so out of love, so my thanks to them:
my manager
my dad
I thank the rest who sent their well wishes.
Most of those who truly helped me, had remained anonymous. The healing power is strongest when it is done out of love (for the patient), without expectation of any return. When I saw myself recovering, at an accelerated pace, to a level that I never knew before, I knew it was not merely due to my own strength. Thank you for coming to my rescue.
I give my special thanks to those who did not believe in me and those who did not have my highest good in mind. You motivated me to be strong, to prove to you that I can be much better than you can imagine.
Some of you tried very hard to encourage and support me, and I thank you for your patience and advices:
French penpal
Yemeni friend
Egyptian friend
Swiss penpal
two friends who visited me
There were two individuals who over-reacted to my problems, but I know that they did so out of love, so my thanks to them:
my manager
my dad
I thank the rest who sent their well wishes.
Most of those who truly helped me, had remained anonymous. The healing power is strongest when it is done out of love (for the patient), without expectation of any return. When I saw myself recovering, at an accelerated pace, to a level that I never knew before, I knew it was not merely due to my own strength. Thank you for coming to my rescue.
I give my special thanks to those who did not believe in me and those who did not have my highest good in mind. You motivated me to be strong, to prove to you that I can be much better than you can imagine.