Consciousness & Frequency

This chart roughly quantifies the level of consciousness into vibrational frequency. We shift consciousness by shifting awareness. Knowing that what we know now of this universe is the equivalent of a finger out of an entire body, we start with the cognizance that there is more to the finger, and hence we can begin to draw in more knowledge into our conscious mind. If we are not aware that there is more, or if we are complacent with our limited frame of reference, we limit our growth. Yet, the universe is ever expanding.  There is no limit.  The only limit is our imagination.

Like attracts like. We attract those who are similar to us. As we increase our frequency, we begin to experience a different reality. Certain relationships/friendships will fade away, when the gap in frequencies is too big. Some individuals prefer to stay at a lower level of consciousness, because they are not ready to move forward yet. We each grow at our own pace.

For people with very low vibrational frequency, they cannot tolerate very high frequency. It is like being in the dark for too long, and then suddenly being illuminated by a spotlight. They will squint (and perhaps scream)!

That implies, if your frequency is very high, you will not encounter lower dimensional beings, as your energy is too bright for them to share the same space with you. Hence the best protection is not needing protection.

Throughout the day, our emotions will change, and thus our level of consciousness will fluctuate. When we are around people/things or in places with very low frequency, it is easy for our frequency to fall. Yet, we have a choice to choose which level of frequency we want to operate at, by consciously choosing our thoughts. Some very effective methods of upholding a high frequency include 1) prayers and 2) gratitude. No one and nothing can impose itself on you, unless you allow (choice) it to. You may not be aware that you have made that choice, unless you raise your awareness to every single thought that arises in your mind.  Instead of succumbing to the force of negativity, stay positive, because those with a lower frequency need you to illuminate them.

Prayers are powerful in lifting your frequency as you shift your focus to the purest of love and light. However, praying does not mean disempowering yourself by placing faith on someone else. On the contrary, it is to empower you as you reconnect yourself to the divinity within you. We are all part of divinity.

I am not religious. Instead of praying, I am express my gratitude for what and who came into my life. I am thankful for all the lessons that life decides to throw at me. They expand my consciousness, and add richness to my life.  Note that if you don't learn your lesson, especially if it is one of the themes that you had agreed to learn in this lifetime, it will repeatedly appear in your life, until you finally "get it". So if you want an unpleasant situation to stop recurring, you need to learn the lesson, and quickly! As soon as you learn the lesson, you attach a positive meaning to a negative circumstance; hence the experience is no longer negative. It is the transmutation of negativity into positivity (growth).

It may not be easy to maintain a positive mindset at all times. Being emotionally receptive to love and emotionally evolved to the different nuances of love have helped me set a threshold as to how low my frequency would and could fall.  But there are many ways to raise your vibrational frequency. May you find the best way that suits you, and reach far and high to create the best possible experiences for your life!


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