Emotional Inheritance
To illustrate the difference between emotions that you own and the ones that you inherited, below are two contrasting examples.
Sense of injustice
Most of it came from one childhood incident where I was wrongly accused by both parents, followed by strong reproach. I knelt on the floor in front of my parents and grabbed my mother's legs to plea for her trust. I wailed and cried.
My mother was wrong, but I was to blame. My attempt to defend resulted in another accusation: dishonesty. The message was, "If I say you are wrong, then you are wrong. If you want to live in my house, you submit to me." Authority. Injustice. Disempowerment.
By hook or by crook, I have come to shed most of the emotions related to injustice recently, but I am not completely done yet. The challenge is that if it is an emotion that we own, we have to go into it completely, in order to uproot it. That is a disastrous event, but that's how we heal ourselves.
Sense of abandonment
I felt it in my psyche, yet it was oddly foreign to me. Why would I feel that? I was loved by both parents (in their own way).
I tried to clear it anyhow, all the while thinking that it did not make any sense! I used various methods at different times, but was unsuccessful.
Then in the middle of the night, a thought came to me. This was my birth mother's emotions. She confirmed it. Out of all her siblings, her parents sold her to a childless couple who mistreated her, and hence she became independent and alone at a very young age.
Now I knew the root of it, I used an altered method to cleanse it. I felt the healing in her.
Next, I asked about Low Self-Esteem, something completely foreign to me yet was super-glued to my psyche and held me back from reaching my highest potential. She confirmed that it was hers too.
I proceeded to clear it, for her, with her. I could sense the effect of the cleansing from her. But it was in the middle of the night, so I told her to do this and that to finish the cleansing. She has to be healed, in order for me to be healed. To remove means to uproot, which means we work at the root, which resided in her.
I no longer have a low self-esteem. ^_^
I shall emphasize that I did not walk away from my inheritance with any ill feelings towards the source. I came from an emotionally immature family. It is an experience that serves me.
An emotionally insecure person does not have inner power/strength. They succumb to their own vulnerability by desperately taking away someone else's power to make them feel secure, even if it meant taking away the power of their own defendless child. They simply did not have the power to do what was right.
I learned the difference between self-empowerment, and dis-empowerment. I also learned the difference between being emotionally immature and emotionally evolved.
We measure the quality of our relationship/friendship by its emotional content. I have grown emotionally. I wish to build a beautiful relationship and experience its sweetness and richness.
May you cherish and capitalize on all your emotional inheritances, to enrich your experience with all your relationships. ^_^