
I was in search of products to raise my vibrational frequency, yet I received a dream telling me to focus on my physical hygiene instead. Gabriel said poor hygiene generates low frequency. It's good that he pointed that out! I am usually too lazy to bother with physical hygiene, though I am more diligent with mental and spiritual hygiene.

Rather than lifting our frequency, we first remove the sources that generate low frequencies. By removing all that which do not serve us, we make room for all that which are for our highest good.

I thought my poor physical hygiene was due to laziness. I asked why was I so lazy? Gabriel said I am not lazy; I am simply very selective in where I invest my energy. If unimportant or inconsequential, then I don't bother.

My previous level of hygiene is clean enough not to get sick. My renewed level of hygiene is clean enough not to generate low vibration.  As soon as I revised my hygiene standard, I am no longer lazy. :)

Physical hygiene

Anything and anyone that comes into contact with the physical body need to be kept clean and fresh so to avoid vibrating at a low frequency.

Emotional hygiene

Any negative emotions, especially repressed ones, need to be released. Some emotions that we hold do not belong to us. They are either picked up from people around us, or inherited through the ancestral line. Nonetheless, they need to be removed from our psyche.

For example, an unplanned child would have absorbed a lot of negative emotions from his parents while he was still in his mother's wob. This negativity will stay with him, and if not released, may manifest into depression or anxiety later in his life.

Any difficulty/pain during the pregnancy or the birthing process may also have a negative effect on the child's psyche.

Mental hygiene

Negative thoughts and negative programs need to be cleared. Fear, shame, guilt, etc may reside in us without our conscious awareness. The presense of these negativities make it hard for us to attract what we want in life, hence some say Law of Attraction doesn't work. We cannot create the outer landscape we desire without first clearing the inner landscape we don't desire.

I went to Framework 2 to clear a lot of my fears. Framework 1 is where emotions and thoughts are non-physical. Framework 2 is where emotions and thoughts take physical form, and is the incubator for what we experience in Framework 1 (physical world).

All my fears appeared as some dark crawling creatures, some without head, some as big as a supermarket, etc. The imageries are like animation videos or like dreams, except that I was fully conscious.

Spiritual hygiene

I set intentions, do grounding, shield aura, and ask for white light. I should cleanse my aura too, but I never remember to. >__< But I can feel it, if it is very dirty.

I used to have ACHOO (autosomal dominant compulsive helio-ophthalmic outbursts of sneezing) syndrome for many years. After I have my space cleansed, I don't have it anymore. Funny thing is, western medicine calls ACHOO a genetic disorder.  ^__^!

There are a couple other medical conditions that I had that went away after I practiced spiritual hygiene.

Two other reasons that I can think of that necessitate spiritual hygiene:

1) If you have a high vibration, you can attract lower vibrational beings, because they are hungry for love and other good energy. It is like moths being attracted to a light bulb.

2) If you have a psychic/astral attack, then that means someone else puts negative energy in/on you.

In both cases, setting boundary, or stepping into your position of power (意守中丹田) would help. You could also do the abovementioned.


As we expand our awareness, we become cognizant of what affects our health, and hence we change our definition of hygiene, to experience a cleaner and healthier lifestyle at multiple levels.


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