
I intended to write about relationships, and then was coincidentally brought to a page where Saint Germain talked about relationships.  

The first half of what he said is the same as what I think, ie. our friends, romantic partners, etc. are a mirror of ourselves.  Hence relationships is a life lesson, as it forces us to confront and heal our inner self.

We are what we attract.  When we are drawn by someone else's energy signature, the attraction is telling us something about ourselves.  

Follow your heart.  Take the path that gives you the highest excitement and joy!

We seek companionship/love because we have no self-love.  As we learn the lessons of relationship, we transcend the feeling of lack, and we arrive at a point where we are love itself.

If we choose to be in a relationship after we transcended the need to be in one, then we are partnering with another self who is whole.  The relationship becomes a partnership of two whole selves, rather than a complementary team of two incomplete selves.  The partnership will have a stronger ability to co-create.  That leads to a more fulfilling life.

Most of us are not there yet.  We are still learning the lessons that a relationship teaches us.  Worse yet, some of us are not even taking any such lessons.  ^_^

The challenges are meant to make us a better person.  If you are not becoming a better person, then pause and think how you can handle the relationship differently.

Every challenge we face in life is meant to teach us something.  Make an effort to rise above every challenge, to become wiser, stronger, better, etc., to reach our next highest potential.  

May the relationship you choose take you toward your highest destination!

Yellow is my own message.  White is my paraphrasing of Saint Germain's message.


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