The Different Feelings of Love

As I acquaint myself to the feeling of different vibrational frequencies, I was surprised to find that different shades of love have different feelings.

As I observe the love I feel when interaction with different people/things, I get different feelings, but they are all feelings of love.  Below are two subsets of love energy:

Strong, uplifting, and expansive, reminding me of Michaelangelo's energy.  Within this subset of masculine love energy, I feel that romantic love is stronger but more focused, whereas platonic love is intense because it is more dispersed.  It would be most ideal if I have a dyadic relationship that encompasses both the intense (romantic) and also the lovely warm (platonic) feeling.  ^_^

Gentle and comforting.  For example, the energy that my rose quartz (10g) gives me is universal love (not unconditional love), and it feels mild and pleasant.  The compassion that it teaches me is a feminine and soothing energy.  It works its best when I am dealing with an annoying person.

Once, I was bathed in Michaelangelo and Gabriel's*** energies, which is a combination of masculine and feminine love energy.  It was extremely blissful.  Michaelangelo's energy was powerful and uplifting, making me feel like I was floating upward.  I think he had lifted some of my subtle bodies, as I had trouble grounding myself then.  Gabriel's energy was so incredily lovely that it was like being in a flower field.

Gabriel has different shades of love energy.  He bathed me in quite a few variation:  romantic (almost sexual), maternal, guardianship/nanny/advisor/mentor, friendship/playmate, etc.  I was emotionally closed/numb, so Gabriel healed me by tuning me to the feelings of love.

His friendship or playmate love is a very sweet, funny, happy, and childlike feeling.  His guardianship love is very touching (不离不弃) and always moves me to tears, and is the one that I am most grateful for.  His maternal love is very gentle and caring.  His romantic love is very intense and ecstatic.

Love expands our energy fields.  When we express love, we project this expansive energy out into our surroundings.  The person who receives our love then expands his energy fields, and he then projects his expansive energy into his surroundings.  The expansiveness is contagious.  Thus love can ultimately uplift the vibration of humanity.


***Michaelangelo is Archangel Michael's nickname that he preferred me to use.  I have a much closer relationship with Gabriel than with Michaelangelo.  Gabriel is like a mother figure for me, following me closely but without interfering with my life unless I ask for help.  Michaelangelo is like a father figure, watching over me from a distance, but very protective and powerful.

I shall add that I do not worship anyone or anything.  All beings in the higher dimensions are my friends.  Hence my relationships with the two archangels are casual, personal, and friendly.


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