I love him! I love him! I love him!

At a workshop on unconditional love, the co-host told us, at the beginning of his relationship, he said to his girlfriend, "I love you very much, and it's okay if I don't ever see you again."

His relationship is based on love, not need. Need comes from the ego. Love comes from the heart.

There is someone who makes me very happy when I see him. I love everything about him. I love his personality. I love his company. I love the beauty of his heart, which he wears on his sleeve. But I don't need him. And I don't miss him. In fact, I actually don't think of him when he is out of sight.

Based on the wisdom from the co-host, what I am experiencing must be love. I recognize this energy. It is extremely uplifting and expansive. It makes my heart sing.

We exchange energy in silence.  I love his energy!

I am very thankful for his gentle and caring nature. That is what I love the most about him!  In fact, I want to classify him as my "darling".  I have a rating system of darlings.  I have three darlings at the top tier; many at the middle tier, and currently one at the lower tier.  Note that only two of my darlings are humans.  Maybe I will add him to the lower tier.  To be decided ~~~

I am also very thankful for his appearance in my life. He helps me see certain aspects of me that need improvement: I am not expressive; I don't know how to show/express my care for others.

But this love is not of a romantic or sexual nature, although he is quite attractive. Romantic love is merely a fragile subset of total love. My love for him is one composite of joy, gratitude, appreciation, acceptance, respect, trust, support, and care.

To live is to love.  If you are not loving, then you really are not living.

There is no limit to how much and how intense a love you can experience. All you need to do, is to allow and intend it to happen to you.

I am grateful for this experience.  Now, I will move on to infinitely greater and stronger love!

Namaste ~


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