Seth - Eternal Validity of the Soul

Permanency and stability have nothing to do with form, but with the integration of pleasure, purpose, accomplishment, and identity.

Physical body and physical image is formed by inner conception of self. --> the dependence of form upon consciousness, but not vice versa, though consciousness always seeks to create form.


Travel through emotions. Translate emotions into other facets of creativity. --> use emotions


The moment point is the framework where we have our psychological experience.

Moment point = the point in which the smallest thought comes to fruition, the slightest possibility explored, the probabilities examined, the least or most forceful feeling entertained.


Our environment is composed of exquisite imbalances. Hence change is allowed full play.

All consciousness must be in a state of change. Such is the mobility of consciousness. 

Consciousness is in a state of becoming.

There is no end to our environment. Hence no lack of space or time in which to operate. Freedom.

We can change our physical environment. We can practice changing in our dream environment. In dreams, we explore our potentials. In waking life, we exert and exercise these potentials.


Creation and perception are intimately connected.

The physical sense force you to translate experience into physical perception. The inner senses open your range of perception, allow you to interpret expert in a far freer manner and to create new forms and new channels through which you can know yourself.


Have full command of one's energy, thus not diverting it into conflicts, but utilize it for purposes that are a basic part of one's psychological experience.

Each person has his own purposes, missions and creative endeavors that are initial and basic parts of himself. He is free to utilize his energy in those directions.


Each human has the ability not only to gain a new type of existence in his physical reality, but to add creatively to the very quality of its own consciousness and in so doing to work its way through the specialized system, breaking the barriers of reality.

The soul utilizes numberless methods of perception, and has at its command many other kinds of consciousness.

I am not my consciousness. My consciousness is an attribute to be used by me.

Therefore, soul is more than consciousness.


Physical reality is an illusion caused by a greater reality. The illusion itself has a meaning and purpose. Physical reality is one form that reality takes.


Environments do not exist independently of you, but instead are formed by you. They are extensions of yourself--mental acts that extend outward from your consciousness.

Our real environment is composed of our thoughts and emotions.

Our closest environment is our physical body. Your physical form is the physical materialization of your own thoughts, emotions, and interpretations.


Time is not closed. It is open.

One life is not buried in the past, disconnected from the present self and any future self.


Words are methods of expression. Words carry meanings and feelings. But words are not meanings nor feelings. Thus there must be a gap between your thought and your expression of it.

Likewise, physical objects carry meanings and feelings. By comprehending the translation of thoughts and desires, you realize your true independence from circumstance, time, and environment.

The environment expresses a particular individual's personality.

Also likewise, you translate feelings and thoughts into your physical body.

The physical universe does not contain physical objects of solidity, width, and depth to those who are not in it. In other words, the particular aspects of our physical world are dependent on our existence and focus within it.

In yet other words, other consciousness coexist within the same space in our world, though they do not perceive our physical objects, for their reality is composed of a different camouflage structure. We don't perceive them; they don't perceive us.

However, there are points of our realities that coincide--coordinate points, points of double reality containing great energy potential.

The four absolute coordinate points that intersect all realities. They are channels where energy flows and warps. They also act as transformers, providing much of the energy for creation.

There are also subordinate points, allowing you to transform thoughts and emotions intoo physical matter.

When a thought or emotion attains a certain intensity, it automatically attracts the Powe of one of these subordinate points.

These points impinge upon time and space. So this means buildings, ideas, etc., will be relatively eternal.

The coordinate points accumulate pure energy that is dormant until activated (by emotional intensity). Greater energy will be added to the original thought or feeling, and its projection into physical matter accelerated.

All spaces contain and are permeated by these coordinate points, such that multidimensional angles are formed.


Our thoughts and emotions begin their journey into physical actualization at the moment of conception.

Our psychic reality is the true impetus for our physical existence, and we are independent (and freedom) from physical laws.


Losing what we have is considered a gift to the receiver.


The inner self is a messenger between the soul and the personality.

Any act of perception changes the perceiver. The soul as a perceiver must also change. There is not real division between the perceiver and the perceived, for the perceived is an extension of the perceiver.


Spirit = an independence from physical form

You are a spirit, and that spirit had a consciousness. The consciousness belongs to the spirit. The two are not the same. The spirit may turn its consciousness off and on. Consciousness may flicker and fluctuate, but the spirit does not.

Consciousness does not refresh itself in sleep. It is merely turned in another direction.

The spirit is never in a state of nothingness when its consciousness is extinguished.


A man who hates always believes himself justified.


Deep intuitional knowledge of the capabilities of the inner self, plus the realization that you are forming your day to day existence, can release you from difficulties from past lives. You can alter your mental and psychic patterns, to change your daily environment.


Symbols of an explosive nature serve as releasing agents, setting loose that which has been encased (fear).

Symbols have an aggressive nature. Without the aggressive thrust, symbols would lack their high mobility, and would exist Ina permanent kind of environment.

Aggressiveness and passivity are both behind symbols of birth, and death.

Inertia results when aggressiveness and creativity are not in the proper proportions.

No-reality. Pauses. Gaps of inertia. A symbol caught between motion and no motion, a time of uncertainty. Lost. Drop out of an individual's experience.

Such blank spots can be seeded with new symbols, be used as channels through which new creative ideas are inserted. Dark spaces. Areas of no resistance. Inactive areas.

Some symbols also wait in such a passive manner to be activated. Future experience presently lies latent.


You do not perceive wholes, but portions. Anything that the conscious mind does not accept is not perceived. The effect of opposites results, therefore, from a lack of perception.


Use cultures as launching ground for new ideas. Ride the culture instead of letting the culture ride you.


In between lives, trace the thoughts and events that led to one's death, as a way to learn.



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