love you more

He called in the evening.  I asked him what he was doing.

He said, "I had just finished showering, now sitting on the couch, and ready to go to bed soon."

I said, "Ah?  You got home early today?"  Surprised, as he was supposed to work past midnight.

He said, no, that's just my hallucination.

I said, "Aww, that's too bad."  I was looking at Jia Jia while chatting with him, so I said, "I wish Jia Jia could be there to keep you company.  I am sure he would cheer you up."

He said, "No, I prefer to have you accompany me instead.  Jia Jia, it's okay."

I thought, aww, that's so sad.  Jia Jia is unwanted and unwelcomed.  :(  :(  I said to Jia Jia, "It's okay.  If no one loves you, then I will just love you more."  { ^ _ ^ }


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