Fishing for Memories

Seth exercise: following non-recognized neurological sequences

(1) The analogy of the onion layers.

You are used to a time structure, so that you remember something that happened at a particular time in the past. Usually you can record events in that fashion (chronologically).

The body record events biologically in neurological pockets as it perceives activity. Those neurological pulses are geared to the biological world you know.

(2) Past, present, future all exist in the now.

Other-life memories do float to the surface, but their rhythm is not synchronized, and they are not tied into the nervous system as precisely as your  
regular memories. Your present gains its feeling of depth because of your past as you understand it. 

Other life memories are carried along beneath those other pulses, never coming to rest so that they can be examined, instead, forming the undercurrents (unconscious) upon which the memories of your current life ride.

The future represents another kind of depth that belongs to events. The roots of events go through your past, present, and future.

You form your past lives now in this life the same way as you form your future lives.



Pick a memory. 

Do not structure it (not peg it to a biological or chronological or neurological order). 

Observe how it shifts and transforms.

See how it associates with other memories.

Gradually, other life memories will also rise up, perhaps superimposed upon present life memories.


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