
Showing posts from March, 2015

Psychological Freedom

Today, I genuinely and finally understand an important life lesson. A friend told me her story about her friendship with someone. I finally understood that if she extended her hand to him, yet he did not reach out to take it, it is not her problem.  That means, no need to beat herself up for it. There are many reasons why one person reaches out, but the other shrinks away. We may never know the reason, why is fine. It is not our problem. We don't need to know why. I am not 100% certain whether the door that I will be knocking on will open or not. I was afraid that I would be disappointed. Then I would be extremely upset. But I finally realize that it is a good thing if the door doesn't open. I will only attract those who love me. Those who don't will eventually fade away. If the door does not open, it means he doesn't love me. That will liberate me from standing stubbornly at that door. I can then shift my attention toward another door. The idea of

I love him! I love him! I love him!

At a workshop on unconditional love, the co-host told us, at the beginning of his relationship, he said to his girlfriend, "I love you very much, and it's okay if I don't ever see you again." His relationship is based on love, not need. Need comes from the ego . Love comes from the heart . There is someone who makes me very happy when I see him. I love everything about him. I love his personality. I love his company. I love the beauty of his heart, which he wears on his sleeve. But I don't need him. And I don't miss him. In fact, I actually don't think of him when he is out of sight. Based on the wisdom from the co-host, what I am experiencing must be love. I recognize this energy. It is extremely uplifting and expansive. It makes my heart sing. We exchange energy in silence.  I love his energy! I am very thankful for his gentle and caring nature. That is what I love the most about him!  In fact, I want to classify him as my "da

Unconditional Love

Last weekend I attended an afternoon workshop on unconditional love .  There are concepts that I already know, and some that are new to me.  The love that we speak of is very different from the love that most people know it to be. The hostess and co-host are in a romantic relationship.  The co-host is quite an evolved person.  At the beginning of their relationship, he said to her, " I love you very much, and I don't care if I don't ever see you again ." It left her pondering on this for a couple weeks.  He said it deliberately to get her to think about it. ~~~ I told them the reason I attended the workshop was to be enlightened.  The co-host said one thing to me.  I don't know why he would say that to me.  I didn't fully register it at the time, and didn't see a correlation between that and unconditional love. Today, I was a bit upset.  Then I went through my emotions the way I normally do, by thinking that only good things will happen to me.