Psychological Freedom
Today, I genuinely and finally understand an important life lesson. A friend told me her story about her friendship with someone. I finally understood that if she extended her hand to him, yet he did not reach out to take it, it is not her problem. That means, no need to beat herself up for it. There are many reasons why one person reaches out, but the other shrinks away. We may never know the reason, why is fine. It is not our problem. We don't need to know why. I am not 100% certain whether the door that I will be knocking on will open or not. I was afraid that I would be disappointed. Then I would be extremely upset. But I finally realize that it is a good thing if the door doesn't open. I will only attract those who love me. Those who don't will eventually fade away. If the door does not open, it means he doesn't love me. That will liberate me from standing stubbornly at that door. I can then shift my attention toward another door. The idea of ...