
Showing posts from August, 2014

Negative Reinforcement

Criticism can help us grow, but negative reinforcement can sometimes discourage us from growing.  When met with negativity, our natural tendency is to retract. We have a choice whether to view something as desirable or undesirable.  Our thoughts create our emotions.  If we view a lesson as positive, then we will learn happily.  Conversely, we will learn grumpily.  ^_^ When in a position to mentor or nurture someone, if we give our feedback in a positive way, we could encourage creativity, experimentation, and growth. Below are two scenarios, each with two or three responses for comparative purposes. A) Your child spilled milk on the table. 1) My brother and his wife would say, "Told you to be careful!  See what a mess you have made?  Stop fidgeting and sit still while you drink." 2) I would say, "Ops!"  Then I would help clean up the table. 3) A suggested response would be, "Oh, how pretty!  Look at all the white liquid running...

The Different Feelings of Love

As I acquaint myself to the feeling of different vibrational frequencies, I was surprised to find that different shades of love have different feelings. As I observe the love I feel when interaction with different people/things, I get different feelings, but they are all feelings of love.  Below are two subsets of love energy: Masculine Strong, uplifting, and expansive, reminding me of Michaelangelo's energy.  Within this subset of masculine love energy, I feel that romantic love is stronger but more focused, whereas platonic love is intense because it is more dispersed.  It would be most ideal if I have a dyadic relationship that encompasses both the intense (romantic) and also the lovely warm (platonic) feeling.  ^_^ Feminine Gentle and comforting.  For example, the energy that my rose quartz (10g) gives me is universal love (not unconditional love), and it feels mild and pleasant.  The compassion that it teaches me is a feminine and soothing ene...

Money is Energy

Spending money is the expression and expansion of one's energy.  It is the projection of oneself into the material world. Hoarding money is the contraction (almost stagnation) of one's energy.  Monetary budget is the restraining/restriction of one's flow of energy. Earning money is the attraction of energy into one's energy fields. Losing money is the draining or leakage of one's energy. Wealth is an accumulation of one's energy. --- Energy flows.  Money is energy in tangible form.  It converts the intangible (energy) into the tangible (matter).  It too, needs to flow freely. Abundance has a vibration frequency that feels very expansive .  In order for us to vibrate at that frequency, to synchronize ourselves to pull it into our energy fields, we need to expand and express more of ourselves, either by spending money or by doing something else, to maintain a free flowing of our energy in our surroundings. I have observed the following in ma...

Emotional Inheritance

To illustrate the difference between emotions that you own and the ones that you inherited, below are two contrasting examples. Sense of injustice  Most of it came from one childhood incident where I was wrongly accused by both parents, followed by strong reproach.  I knelt on the floor in front of my parents and grabbed my mother's legs to plea for her trust.  I wailed and cried. My mother was wrong, but I was to blame.  My attempt to defend resulted in another accusation: dishonesty.  The message was, "If I say you are wrong, then you are wrong.  If you want to live in my house, you submit to me."  Authority.  Injustice.  Disempowerment. By hook or by crook, I have come to shed most of the emotions related to injustice recently, but I am not completely done yet.  The challenge is that if it is an emotion that we own, we have to go into it completely, in order to uproot it.  That is a disastrous event, but that's how we he...

Emotional Imprisonment

I thought of the following true story as I opened my floodgate today. An old man who had suffered from a chronic migraine visited a Reiki practitioner.  First, a level 2 Reiki student provided him the healing.  Not effective.  Then the Reiki master scanned him, hesitated for a moment, then asked:  "Have you ever killed anyone?" The old man was mortified, but kept silent.  He didn't deny anything.  Moments later, his emotional floodgate opened, and tears welled forth.  Without a word, he stormed out of the healing session. Several months later, he called back to the Reiki master to say that he was completely healed. Over time, repressed emotions become dense energy and settle on our physical body, thus manifesting themselves as physical dis -ease.  In the story above, the repressed emotion was guilt. Emotional healing/cleansing is the opening of emotional floodgate, which liberates us from emotional imprisonment, and prevents the repress...


I intended to write about relationships, and then was coincidentally brought to a page where Saint Germain talked about relationships.   The first half of what he said is the same as what I think, ie. our friends, romantic partners, etc. are a mirror of ourselves.  Hence relationships is a life lesson, as it forces us to confront and heal our inner self. We are what we attract.  When we are drawn by someone else's energy signature, the attraction is telling us something about ourselves.   Follow your heart.    Take the path that gives you the highest excitement and joy! We seek companionship/love because we have no self-love.  As we learn the lessons of relationship, we transcend the feeling of lack, and we arrive at a point where we are love itself. If we choose to be in a relationship after we transcended the need to be in one, then we are partnering with another self who is whole.  The relationship becomes a partnership of two wh...

Spiritual Enlightenment 2

Here's my second attempt at understanding what is "spiritual enlightenment". Spiritual enlightenment is a state of being .  Similarly, having universal love is a state of being.  It is the resonance that your whole being vibrates at. There are many ways to reach that state.  Each to his own. The channeler told me to travel, to see the world, to feel and to experience (we're going back to her method of enlightenment again).  I had traveled solo around the world, without much planning, without much internet, etc.  I had been to Israel and Palestine, alone. I agree that the excitement and exposure on the physical plane did expand my awareness, both on the physical plane and on higher planes.  But the rate of learning is too slow.  From a cost versus benefit perspective, it is not the most efficient way to be enlightened. This type of learning involves the mind, which means the body does not necessarily have to move.  To put it not so gracio...

Spiritual Enlightenment

The channeler said to be spiritually enlightened, I would have to experience life fully.  She gave me several examples. To understand and practice forgiveness, we must first be harmed.  That experience of being harmed will be our lesson on forgiveness. To appreciate what we have, we must experience loss.  For example, a person without a leg one day gains a prosthetic leg would be ecstatic.  His sense of appreciation for the leg would be exponentially larger than ours.  Most people would not choose to live life so "fully", but we could, if we wish to experience the excitement to its fullest potential. Intellectually I understand how life experience can enlighten us, but intuitively, her logic does not resonate with me at all.  I have been sitting on this logic for a while.  Michaelangelo (the nickname that Archangel Michael wanted me to call him by) said to practice discernment.  Here is my discernment: To experience is to feel .  To e...

token of gratitude

My two students wanted to thank me by either buying me gift or dinner.  I was thankful for their thought.  I was not keen on the gift or dinner, as it was never what I wanted out of them.  But I understood their need to express their gratitude, and allowed them. In my mind, what I truly wanted from them then and now is to be the best that they could be in their professional life, and to build a good future .  Of course this would be too much to ask them, and I did not want to give them extra pressure, so I never told them exactly that. Even though they fell a bit short of my expectation, I appreciated that it was already very hard for them to perform at the level that they did.  I wished that there would be more that I could do.  I regretted that I did not try hard enough as a mentor.  I regretted that the mentorship period was not long enough.  I offer to be their resource, should they need me. They helped me see things from fresh perspecti...

channeling a divine being

I read on a Chinese Buddhist website about the three possibilities that the entity that a person channels may not be a celestial being, although the entity proclaims itself to be.  The three possibilities are 1) an evil spirit, or ghost, or whatever you want to label it as; 2) someone who wishes to use the identity of a celestial being to do certain things; and 3) the channeler's subconscious mind's personification of an entity. The fourth possibility is that the entity whom the person channels is indeed a celestial being. The website mentions different ways to discern, but the basic idea is really to have a balance of both intellect and intuition , as they serve as checks and balances for everything we encounter in this physical dimension. One distinction that that website did not mention, is ego.  This comes with experience, and I suppose that author did not have the "honour" of experiencing all four possibilities.  ^_^ Anyone who is not from the purest ...

my experience with dreams

In February, a Reiki practitioner gave me the following advice:  " I think lucid dreaming can provide another stream of information, however, I do feel that one needs to be very grounded and centered when embarking on that path because we are more spiritually open in that process. The fact that you were able to achieve lucid dreaming is wonderful as not everyone who tries can do it easily. Maybe you will be inspired to try again in future being better equipped? Keep the option open for yourself. " I consciously stopped lucid dreaming, because my conscious (ego) self was arguing with my dream self as I tried to control my dream, which was highly disruptive to a good night's sleep. My Swiss penpal was very keen on inducing prophetic dreams.  Personally, I had no interest.  Yet, I do get them, quite regularly that now I don't pay too much attention to it.  It is not that I don't value them, but I can't fall back to sleep if I think too much about them.  I g...

What is this thing called "God"?

My experience is that God is super-consciousness, which permeates all things and beings on all dimensions.  It is the consciousness of oneness, before separating itself into myriad parts. The angelic beings, and other divine beings, are but a specific extension of God.  In other words, each is a personification of a certain attribute of God. Individual consciousness is connected to super-consciousness by way of the subconscious.  Prayer can be a two-way communication, by merging our consciousness with super-consciousness. If you look at your EEG graph, your brainwaves are usually not very uniform.  This makes the communication choppy at best.  When your brainwaves are at alpha state or lower, and the waves are consistent enough, then the signals you receive will be clearer. Although super-consciousness is always overlaid upon our layer of consciousness, we would still need to intend and allow our consciousness to merge with super-consciousness.  T...


I was in search of products to raise my vibrational frequency, yet I received a dream telling me to focus on my physical hygiene instead. Gabriel said poor hygiene generates low frequency. It's good that he pointed that out! I am usually too lazy to bother with physical hygiene, though I am more diligent with mental and spiritual hygiene. Rather than lifting our frequency, we first remove the sources that generate low frequencies. By removing all that which do not serve us, we make room for all that which are for our highest good. I thought my poor physical hygiene was due to laziness. I asked why was I so lazy? Gabriel said I am not lazy; I am simply very selective in where I invest my energy. If unimportant or inconsequential, then I don't bother. My previous level of hygiene is clean enough not to get sick . My renewed level of hygiene is clean enough not to generate low vibration .  As soon as I revised my hygiene standard, I am no longer lazy. :) Physical hygiene...

Communication Style

My niece and nephew have very opposing communication styles. She's very open and straightforward. He's very closed. When she does something that upsets him, he will get mad, walk away, and shun her. He will say, "I hate you", but he won't explain why, no matter how she asks. She would say, "Why? What did I do wrong? If I did or said anything wrong, I'm sorry." He won't accept her apology, nor will he try to reconcile with her. His default response is to get mad and sulk. He does not do that only to her, but to everyone and everything that upsets him. When his emotion is too pent up, he becomes abusive and physical. He will tell everyone to "shut up", will call his parents "stupid", or will swear. These are all alternate ways of releasing emotions. They are of a lower vibrational frequency, but it's still healthier to release than to repress the emotions. Repressed emotions is like stuffing up your runny nose, which then st...

Intellect vs Intuition

Sciences are better learned using our intellect. Spirituality is better understood using our intuition. In our physical dimension, intellect and intuition work as checks and balances. It is to our advantage if both our left brain and right brain are somewhat in balance. As we heighten our consciousness, this duality fades away. All we have is unity, or oneness. That is why universal love unites humanity, and religions (sorry to say) separate humanity. More precisely, it is not spirituality that separates, but the human interpretation of spirituality that separates. Because it is not nature that is imperfect, but the human conscious mind/ego that is imperfect.

Inner Power

Inner power or personal power is our personal energy that sits in our solar plexus. It is the strength that gives us the ability to create and experience the life we desire. Having inner power does not mean you will control others/situations. A person who is domineering/controlling lacks inner power, hence the desire to forfeit the power of others. He disempowers others to empower himself. A person who has inner power will have no desire to control others. Up until two months ago, I did not have enough power within me. I mustered all the strength that I had, and thanks to the divine grace of those who intervened, I managed to crawl out of my own darkness. Crawling out doesn't mean staying out. I still needed strength to walk away from it permanently. The healer said, "You don't have enough strength. You are at a level two right now. You need to be at level 100. " My heart tanked! 费尽九牛五虎之力, only to arrive at 2%? My strength was not within me. Now it is. But I d...

Energy / Prana / Qi

The lady who shook my hand showed me her expensive ruby ring, and a ruby bracelet. Ruby that is made into jewelries has been treated at very high temperature. Raw ruby emits a vibrational frequency that is beneficial to the human body whereas "cooked" ruby is dead and offers no health benefits. Yet, raw ruby costs only a fraction of the price of the "cooked" ruby. This reminds me of drinking water. Unboiled water has vital energy (生气) that is beneficial to the body whereas cooked water is dead water. Everything is made of energy. Some food emits a lower frequency than others. Take a plate of leftover deep fried chicken wings for example. The chicken gets its energy from its plant-based food which received its energy from the universe. After the chicken is killed, it is frozen, then thawed, deep fried, and left on the table for half a day, then refrigerated, then reheated. By the time it goes into your mouth, there is no vital energy left. It becomes a l...

Consciousness & Frequency

This chart roughly quantifies the level of consciousness into vibrational frequency. We shift consciousness by shifting awareness. Knowing that what we know now of this universe is the equivalent of a finger out of an entire body, we start with the cognizance that there is more to the finger, and hence we can begin to draw in more knowledge into our conscious mind. If we are not aware that there is more, or if we are complacent with our limited frame of reference, we limit our growth. Yet, the universe is ever expanding.  There is no limit.   The only limit is our imagination . Like attracts like. We attract those who are similar to us. As we increase our frequency, we begin to experience a different reality. Certain relationships/friendships will fade away, when the gap in frequencies is too big. Some individuals prefer to stay at a lower level of consciousness, because they are not ready to move forward yet. We each grow at our own pace . For people with ver...

My energy

Different people/things emit different vibrational frequency (vibes). Yesterday I said I wanted to learn how to discern the different energies. Today, I loitered around and ended up chatting with a lady who is sensitive to energies. I told her I sensed different energies from the same kind of stones. She said that's good that I am sensitive, because most people don't have that level of sensitivity. Then she shook my right hand to check my energy. She said, "Oh yeah, you are sensitive. You have good energy." I thought it was amazing that she could sense me just with a handshake. Perhaps that was the original purpose of handshake -- to acquaint with each other's energy? When I meditate next to my dad, he felt strange energy from me. But he couldn't describe my energy. At the shrine, my dad is able to sense energies from the divinity. I tried to sense and felt something too. He was able to discern the intensity as well. But he cannot discern the nuances of the d...

My niece

My niece is seven. Two things she said that surprised me: 1) "I feel bad for cooking animals." 2) "I wish bread could heal people." - - - 1) She used to eat mainly carbohydrates, some vegetables, and no meat. Her favorite dish was 斋肠粉. I was a vegetarian for a few years, yet I didn't know that 斋肠粉 actually existed. I don't know if all children project a purer form of love or not, but she does, since she has shown compassion for the animals. 2) Her mom said "What?" She said, "I wish bread could give people energy." Her mom thought it was another senseless talk from her, and dismissed her. But my interpretation is I wish bread could be a multi-purpose energy source that would contain all the healing energy that people would need to restore and maintain the health of all levels of their being. Her two words that surprised me are "heal" and "energy". Heal is different from cure. Energy is not a concept typically found in t...

My nephew

I was surprised that my nephew loved Jia Jia so much. He likes Street Fighter 4, so I thought he would be a very rough boy, but he told me he wanted to sleep with Jia Jia. @_@ I learned a lot from being with (and watching) the kids. I understand why parents need to discipline their kids. It is an expression of love, because it is ultimately for their own good. However, at the same time, it is also taking away their freedom of expression. Earth is a free will zone. That's why God does not interfere with our lives even when they go awry, unless we ask Him to. We do care about our kids and we want the best for them. But if we are overly protective (restrictive) of them, we don't allow them enough experience. I tend not to interfere with them, but I will watch over them very closely, in case something goes wrong. I simply watch. I don't judge. I don't discipline. There is a difference between parenting and understanding. What they need is our love and understanding, n...